Events that we have attended
National Horse week visit to Camilla Paultons yard
We were very please to be invited to Camilla Paultons yard at Telscombe village on Saturday 17th September 2022 for National Horse week. Which was held up and down the country with many yards taking part, the events were held from 10th to the 18th.
The events were started by Richard Phillips in 2019 and have been growing year on year. The society, Crowd Racing, showed off some of their memorabilia Where we also had the pleasure of showing some of our memorabilia to the public that attended the event.
Camilla showed some of her horses in training, including horses training up the gallops and her daughter Eliza, who also manages the yard for her mum, gave a very informative speech on the running of the racing yard and welfare of the horses in training.
The event was very well attended. We were very thankful that the weather was in our favour, for everyone one to enjoy. We would like to thank everyone for their support, for Camilla and her Daughter Eliza on the day.
Front cover of the days race card
Plumpton Races
Barry and his sister Annette displaying some of our memorabilia
3rd April 2022
This picture of the 2.30pm the front two horses are, Strike the Flint, trained by Suzie Smith, who used to train in Lewes, now trains in Angmering West Sussex, riden by Micheal Nolan and on the left hand side is Fred Bear, trained by local trainer Sheena West and riden by Marc Goldstein
We are please to say that Sheena Wests horse came second and unfortunately Suzy Smiths horse was pulled up.

This is a small selection of some of the memrobilia we had on show.
Diary of the past years
On the 14th June 2021 we were invited to Jim Best Yard up on the old racecourse, were he showed us all his horses in training and round his yard.
On the 1st April 2021 Barry met up with Robert Veitch of Sussex Living magazine, and spent some time talking about Lewes Racecourse history and the interview was published in the July edition.
Photo of Sally and Robert
On 29th June 2021 It was really good to see Sally and Robert again, we arranged with Guy Thomas to invite Sally back to her old house in Southhover in Lewes, where she and her brother John Gosden lived from 1950 to 1960 before moving up to Heath House racing stables.
On the 21st July 2021, We met up with Miss Sinclaires niece Nicky Sinclaire in Lewes showing her where her aunty lived and trained her horses at the Nunnery Stables. Before taking her up to Heath House Stables where Roger and Mark Hoad showed us round the yard.
Photo of Roger and Nicky at Heath House.
On the 24th July 2021 this is the first time a racecourse exhibition has been held on the racecourse, and we would like to thank the people that helped set it up on the day.
photo of marquee being set up.
On the 21st August 2021 Today we were invited to Camilla Poultons racing yard at Telscoumbe village.
Photo of her yard, from a field above.
On the 19th September 2021, we had a day out at Plumpton Races to watch Suzy Smiths runner, Strike the flint ridden by Harry Bannister and we are delighted to say that the horse won.
Photo of Suzy Smith and Jockey Harry Bannister.
On the 23rd September 2021 we were invited to Paddy Butlers yard at East Chiltington Nr Lewes.
Photo of Paddy and his wife.
On the 29th September 2021 we returned to Camilla's yard for an interview, which was filmed by Tom Bonner and conducted by Jenny Dash.
Photo of Camilla in the centre, her mum on the right and her daughter on the left, who is her assistant trainer.
On the 18th October2021, today it was a special honour for us to be invited to Plumpton races, for Shirley our treasurer to present a club cheque to Bob Champion for his cancer trust fund.
Photo of Shirley and Bob Champion.
On the 23rd November 2021 we were invited to Suzy Smith's new yard at Angmering Park Estate, this was worth the wait to be shown around the yard including her stud.
Photo of Sergio and some of Suzy's Yearlings.