In September 2018 Tom Bonner of Seahaven Communication Productions sent over a DVD that he copied from his friend Leonard White's orininal film that was called Home Movies from Leonard White, last day at Lewes Racecourse September 1964, as Tom was a great supporter of the racecourse Club he sent the only copy that was made to the Lewes racecourse Club via an ex member Mr Cramer, who past it over to Mr B J Foulkes on the understanding that this film should only be shown at exhibitions and at no time to be put on any web site or youtube, without permission from the White family. This was agreed at the October 2018 club meeting and the disc should only remain at the club office, in Mr B J Foulkes house, it was later agreed that a second copy should be made by Tom Bonner and this should be shown all over the world, putting up on the Lewes Racecourse History Groups Youtube channel and the racing site and on the 21st February 2021 the copyright holders gave only the Lewes racecourse History Group permission to use the Leonard White film.
From the archive of Leonard White ( Copyright Catherine and Richard White.
We are aware that another site removed a copy without permision and was then told to remove it from their site. We are also aware that they are using our site to copy work, we are pleased that we are able to help them correct their errors on their site.
This is our new and improved edition of the Leonard White DVD produced by Tom Bonner with more images of the racecourse and set to music.
This has been very popular with all the racing sites that follow our site, with plenty of good comments.

Leonard White's father Tom, was a bookmaker and race horse owner.
Leonard used to help his father in the business, he used to take telephone bets and collect betting slipe for him and many times he went to Lewes races.
Tom White had a horse in training with F Fitton at Lewes.
Mr Tom White with his horse Golden Cup.

We would highly recommend the Leonard Whites book,
Many Moons and a few stars.
First published in 2010.